速報APP / 健康塑身 / Pink Cloud: AA, NA & CMA Meeting Finder

Pink Cloud: AA, NA & CMA Meeting Finder





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:10250 Constellation Blvd, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90067

Pink Cloud: AA, NA & CMA Meeting Finder(圖1)-速報App

Pink Cloud is your sobriety companion, connecting you to 149,000+ Alcoholics Anonymous, 46,000+ Narcotics Anonymous, and 600+ Crystal Meth Anonymous meetings worldwide.

Bookmark your favorite meetings, track your time and attendance, follow the program and keep notes in a sobriety journal. It’s completely anonymous; your data stays on your phone and won't be sent or stored anywhere else. Search for AA meetings, NA meetings, and CMA meetings using convenient filters for location, time of day, or by a specific focus like "Women's Stag" or “Closed Step Study."

AA meeting finder with driving directions!

• Find an AA group in 11 countries including USA, Australia, England, Ireland, Israel, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, Taiwan and Wales.

Pink Cloud: AA, NA & CMA Meeting Finder(圖2)-速報App

• 28 additional cities including Bangalore, Beijing, Berlin, Budapest, Calgary, Chengdu, Chennai, Delhi, Edmonton, Frankfurt, Hamilton, Hong Kong, Hyderabad, Krakow, Macau, Mississauga, Mumbai, Munich, Ottawa, Paris, Pune, Rome, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tokyo, Toronto, Vancouver and Vienna.

NA meeting finder: everywhere in the world (with the exception of Iran, currently).

CMA meeting finder: everywhere in the world.

Meeting attendance is only one part of sober living. Pink Cloud offers several other helpful features:

Pink Cloud: AA, NA & CMA Meeting Finder(圖3)-速報App

*Sobriety tracker*: enter your birthday, track total time, attendance history, and check in on your current recovery step. Easy to use sobriety counter for all the days you’re addiction free.


• Today: a customizable list of daily to-do items which resets every morning

• Inventory: take your inventory

Pink Cloud: AA, NA & CMA Meeting Finder(圖4)-速報App

• Resentments: record any resentments you’re feeling and track their frequency

*Notes*: take notes related to your sobriety

*Prayers*: access a list of common prayers and create custom prayers

*Phone List*: quick access to call, text or e-mail your sobriety-related friends and acquaintances

Pink Cloud: AA, NA & CMA Meeting Finder(圖5)-速報App

With Pink Cloud, your road to addiction recovery is mapped out and tracked in one safe, anonymous app.

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Pink Cloud is free to download and use. The Rooms feature is free for a 30 day trial, after which we offer three subscription packages: $0.99/month (1 Month Subscription), $4.99/6 months (6 Month Subscription), and $9.99/year (1 Year Subscription). All other features remain free to use indefinitely.

All personal data is handled under the terms and conditions of Pink Cloud’s privacy policy. For more details visit gopinkcloud.com/privacypolicy and gopinkcloud.com/termsandconditions.

Pink Cloud: AA, NA & CMA Meeting Finder(圖6)-速報App